
She’s Sick Of Her Friend Constantly Acting Self-Deprecating And Calling Herself Ugly

grigvovan - - illustrative purposes only, not the actual person

This 27-year-old woman recently made a new friend about a month ago, who is 24. But, they have only hung out in person twice and mostly just stay in touch over social media.

She and her friend also causally text nearly every day– sending each other memes and cracking jokes.

Despite having a relatively new relationship, though, her friend has repeatedly treated her like a “trauma-dumping trashcan” ever since one recent incident.

It all began after her friend started talking to someone online nearly every day for a few weeks. Then, after her friend actually met up with that person in real life about a month ago, her friend was essentially ghosted.

And after the person distanced themselves, her friend took that to mean that she was ugly.

Now, for context, she claims that her friend is not bad-looking whatsoever.

“My friend is literally not ugly. She’s more conventionally attractive than me even,” she said.

Yet, her friend has continued to call herself ugly in conversation at least four to five times a week. And even if her friend doesn’t outright say it, it’s clear that her friend is implying it.

She has rebutted her friend’s claims nearly every single time, too, and has made sure to compliment her friend’s looks. Still, her friend either gives her a negative response or just ignores what she is saying altogether.

grigvovan – – illustrative purposes only, not the actual person

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