
Who Pays For What At Your Wedding? Well, There’s No Right Or Wrong Answer These Days, But Here’s The List Based On Tradition

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While it may be a stressful and potentially uncomfortable conversation to have when planning a wedding, you need to consider your budget and if any family members are planning on contributing to the expenses.

These days, there is no right or wrong answer as to who pays for what, but traditionally, the bride’s family, the groom’s family, and the bride and groom themselves each had their own list of expenses that they were responsible for.

While these traditions don’t need to be followed, they can be a nice starting place for ideas when determining how to plan out your wedding budget.

Bride’s Family

Since the bride was traditionally seen as the star of the special day, the bride’s family was typically responsible for multiple wedding aspects, starting right after the proposal.

Engagement parties, invitations, and wedding planners are things that the bride’s parents or family would tend to pay for.

They would also likely offer to cover the cost of things like the bride’s gown, the wedding venue, and the wedding cake.

Groom’s Family

While the groom’s family traditionally had less financial responsibility for the wedding itself, they still would tend to cover things such as costs for the rehearsal dinner, the marriage license fee, and lodging for all of the groomsmen.

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