He Decided To Flip His Old Belongings And Take His Friends Out To A $700 Fancy Dinner Paid For By The Profits, But They Berated Him For Not Donating The Items To People In Need Instead

ID 184974367 - © Nuvisage - Dreamstime.com -  illustrative purposes only
ID 184974367 - © Nuvisage - Dreamstime.com - illustrative purposes only

This 18-year-old guy currently lives in a medium-cost-of-living area and takes home an income that he deems “comfortable.” Yet, he recently found himself in a bit of a pickle after his friends judged him for reselling his old belongings.

For context, he enjoys flipping items. And sometimes, when he is cleaning out his space, he’ll rediscover some old belongings he completely forgot about.

And while he was recently cleaning out his storage and flipping closet, this same thing happened again.

“Most of these items only cost me 10% to 30% of what their true value is,” he explained.

“Think LEGO, electronics that are a few years old, and mid-range clothing.”

According to him, all of the items were in good condition, too. So, he decided to make it a weekend project and start selling off his old belongings.

Well, since then, he has already made about $750, and that’s not including the sales of the clothing. He was able to sell most of the items for profit, netting about $500, and was deciding what to do with all of the extra cash.

“So I decided to treat me and my close friends to a fancy restaurant,” he recalled.

Apparently, he took his friend group out to a really nice restaurant that cost about $120 per person, excluding drink orders. That’s why the bill wound up totaling a whopping $700.

ID 184974367 – © Nuvisage – Dreamstime.com – illustrative purposes only

But, he was totally fine with it, given the profit from his old items. He didn’t mind covering the tip, either, and his friends were totally taken aback.

After seeing how shocked his friends were that he was covering such a lofty tab, he opted to fill them in on the situation. He detailed how he had cleaned out his old closet and began reselling the items. He also revealed how he anticipated earning a total profit of $2,000 once he finished selling all of the belongings.

Well, rather than being impressed by his new side hustle, his friends actually tore him down for it.

In fact, they all thought it was really messed up for him to sell the items for such high margins; meanwhile, other people in the community were in need. So, they basically claimed it was unfair to flip stuff rather than give it away to people who are less fortunate.

“They said I was a [jerk] and I should donate the legos and clothes to kids and people in need,” he vented.

“And I feel like I am in the wrong somewhat because other people do need it more than me.”

So, ever since his friends berated him, he’s been left wondering whether not giving his stuff away to people in need instead was really a jerky thing to do.

Do you think that all old items should be donated, or is flipping to make some extra money okay? How would you feel if you treated your friends to a nice dinner and they ragged on how you were able to afford the check? Did he do anything wrong in this situation?

You can read the original post on Reddit here.

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Katharina Buczek graduated from Stony Brook University with a degree in Journalism and a minor in Digital Arts. Specializing ... More about Katharina Buczek

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