He Keeps Running Out of Patience With His Girlfriend, Who Is Nine Months Pregnant, But She Also Feels Like He’s Driving Her Insane

This 28-year-old man’s girlfriend, who is 26, is currently nine months pregnant and will be delivering their baby any day now.
But, while he realizes that his girlfriend’s pregnancy has been difficult, he believes that she’s been treating him like garbage.
For starters, he decided to purchase a small house for their growing family to live in. However, the home was a total fixer-upper, meaning that it took the length of his girlfriend’s entire pregnancy to finish it.
And while she did help out a lot in terms of finances, his girlfriend reportedly keeps crying since she “ran out of money.” She also claimed that he bought the home without even asking her opinion on the decision first.
“But I’ve been paying the contractor and for the mortgage, while she’s been paying for all the utilities, things that need to be fixed, appliances, carpets, etc.,” he explained.
“So, I think we’re pretty even.”
Still, they’re having more disagreements about other issues aside from their financial investment in the property.
When it came time to move into the house, the process was pretty rough– mainly because his girlfriend felt like he didn’t get rid of enough of his belongings to make room for their baby.
However, he claimed to have certain collections and hobbies that he just refused to get rid of under any circumstances.

ID 94455382 – © Chupacabra47 – Dreamstime.com – illustrative purposes only, not the actual person
“It’s not her business. It’s my stuff, and if I want to get rid of it, I will,” he said.
That’s why he completely disregarded his girlfriend’s opinion and just started taking all of his stuff out while they were unpacking boxes.
At that point, his girlfriend finally had a meltdown. She pointed out how their living room was not just going to be his “bachelor pad.” Plus, the space needed to be baby-proofed.
Regardless, he simply didn’t agree with her or intend to do anything about it.
“Well, it’s my house technically, and if I want my stuff out, that’s exactly what I’m going to do,” he revealed.
“I spent all day getting this done so there weren’t so many boxes in the way.”
Yesterday morning, they got into another disagreement, too. He woke up and was running late for work, which his girlfriend apparently knew about.
Yet, her car was blocking his vehicle in the driveway, and instead of helping him move the car, she reportedly just kept sleeping.
It’s little things like this that have caused him to snap at his girlfriend quite a few times recently. But, whenever this happens, she ultimately starts crying and calls her mom– claiming that she’s having a mental breakdown and cannot handle dealing with him anymore.
“But I’m reaching my breaking point with her,” he vented.
So now, he’s been left wondering if he’s in the wrong for running out of patience with his pregnant girlfriend.
Does it sound like his girlfriend is getting upset over unreasonable things? Or does he need to learn how to compromise on certain issues, such as baby-proofing their house? Do you think his priorities are in order? Or should he be doing more to help his girlfriend right now?
You can read the original post on Reddit here.
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