
His Ex-Wife Reached Out To Him And Wants To Meet Up For The First Time In Over A Decade, But He’s Not Sure If It’s Worth Risking Heartbreak Again

ID 34174263 - © Nadino - - illustrative purposes only, not the actual person

This 48-year-old man and his ex-wife, who is 47, had been married for seven years before they got divorced about 15 years ago.

At the time, the reason for their split was simply that they had different visions for their future. He always wanted a family and imagined living the “white picket fence” life. His ex-wife, on the other hand, valued traveling and didn’t want to be tied down.

Still, while there are clichés about remaining friends after divorce, he and his ex were able to remain friendly– at least in the beginning.

Even after his ex met another older and wealthier man who was able to provide her with the lifestyle she wanted, they stayed connected.

And when her ex got married to the other guy in 2010, he was actually invited to the wedding and even delivered a short toast.

“Obviously, with the guy in her life, we drifted apart, and we basically played Facebook tag,” he said.

After they got divorced, though, his mental health state was not that great. He was initially depressed and went to therapy following their split.

Then, once he watched his ex get remarried and start “gallivanting” throughout the Caribbean and Europe, he became even more depressed.

Therapy also helped, but it was not the complete solution. So, it really took him a whole five years to pull himself out of the slump and become “himself” again.

ID 34174263 – © Nadino – – illustrative purposes only, not the actual person

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