
Her Friend Is $15,000 In Credit Card Debt For Ordering Takeout To Be Delivered Several Times A Day, And She Really Upset Her By Pointing Out That She’s Destroying Her Life With Her Expensive Habit

New Africa - - illustrative purposes only, not the actual person

This 26-year-old girl was spending time with her 27-year-old friend Sarah yesterday at her apartment.

At one point, they started chatting about what they should do for dinner, and Sarah mentioned that she wanted fast food.

The place Sarah wanted to go to is literally around the block from her apartment, so she said to Sarah they could hop in the car and go to the drive-thru.

Sarah declined, pointing out that she would prefer to order it as takeout and simply have it delivered.

She reminded Sarah that it would literally be twice the price and take twice as long to get there if she did that instead of going through the drive-thru.

Sarah waved her away and proceeded to place their order for delivery. When the payment method screen popped up, she realized Sarah had a ton of different credit cards saved in the app.

She made a comment about it, and Sarah stated she used them all to order her food for delivery. From there, their conversation turned toward credit cards and debt.

“She told me that she has about $15,000 in credit card debt across several cards,” she explained.

“I was surprised by this because she’s actually from a pretty well-off family. Her dad is a lawyer, she grew up in a beach house, her first car was an Audi, and her parents pay her rent and also give her an allowance.”

New Africa – – illustrative purposes only, not the actual person

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