
Her Husband Keeps Wetting The Bed, So She Freaked Out On Him And Told Him To Start Sleeping In Their Guest Room

Still, she isn’t entirely sure if this is the reason for her husband’s repeated bed-wetting. And recently, after he wet the bed again, she had enough and completely freaked out on him.

She started screaming at the top of her lungs, telling her husband that he should never sleep in the same bed as her again.

Yet, the next day, things seemed to be back to normal. Her husband was his normal, kind, and caring self, and he had just started sleeping in their guest bedroom ever since.

So, she’s been left feeling super confused. She has no idea what to do and genuinely doesn’t know if she acted like a jerk toward her husband.

“I love my husband so dearly, and I would die for him,” she vented.

Have you ever found yourself in a similar situation? Why do you think her husband has begun wetting the bed? Do you think screaming at her husband and making him sleep in another room was the right way to deal with this? What would you have done if you were in her shoes? 

You can read the original post on Reddit here.

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