
Her Boyfriend Wants Her To Take Out A Personal Loan For $1,500 So He Can Buy A Custom Halloween Costume Even Though She’s Already Financially Supporting Him Right Now

prostooleh - - illustrative purposes only, not the actual person

This 22-year-old woman has been with her boyfriend, who is 26, for about four years, and recently, he approached her with a strange request.

Apparently, her boyfriend asked if he could take out a personal loan under her name in order to purchase his Halloween costume.

Now, for context, her boyfriend currently has about $5,000 in debt and doesn’t even have a job. Instead, he is living off of the payments he’s receiving from the government.

So, when he asked to open the loan under her name, she got pretty upset– mainly because, over the past year, her boyfriend’s financial situation had just gotten worse and worse.

“I currently pay for his groceries and essentials, and without aid, he doesn’t have basic essentials like toilet paper or soap, let alone food, and can only meet the payments of his rent at the moment,” she explained.

Not to mention, the loan amount that her boyfriend asked for was a whopping $1,500! He wanted her to take out a personal loan since no financial lenders were willing to loan him any more money. After all, he is already in debt.

But, according to her, this request made her feel like she was at her breaking point. She wound up crying and telling her boyfriend that it was super childish to ask for so much money to purchase a stupid Halloween costume.

Since then, she has not spoken to her boyfriend for the past few days, either.

“He asked me for money when he is already relying on me to buy his groceries and is in so much debt from buying video games and action figures,” she said.

prostooleh – – illustrative purposes only, not the actual person

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