
He’s Refusing To Marry His Girlfriend Until She Turns 30 Because He Wants To Wait And See If She Inherited Mental Illness From Her Father

nuzza11 - illustrative purposes only, not the actual person

This man has been dating his 26-year-old girlfriend ever since they were both 19-years-old. They both really want to get married, too, and he hopes to spend the rest of his life with her.

However, when his girlfriend was growing up, her father treated her absolutely horribly. This pushed her to completely stop talking to him a few years ago, and she just referred to her father as a narcissist.

But, according to him, his girlfriend’s father was much more than that. More specifically, he’s concerned that the guy had some form of mental illness.

“My girlfriend’s father is delusional, irrational, can say the wildest things then deny everything, change his mood on a whim, and it’s extremely likely that he has some sort of undiagnosed mental illness,” he explained.

This is a major issue for him since he takes the idea of marriage very seriously. If he decides to say vows and commit to his girlfriend in both sickness and health, then he will honor his word.

But, if his girlfriend began acting like her father, he doesn’t think he would be able to live with it.

“I love her, but I don’t want to suffer for the rest of my life,” he said.

That’s why he wants to wait until his girlfriend turns 30-years-old to propose to her. He claimed that the onset of various mental illnesses takes place during individuals’ the mid to late twenties. So, he wants to make sure his girlfriend didn’t inherit mental health problems from her father before popping the question.

Now, he had never told his girlfriend the truth about this before. All he said was that he wanted to wait until he felt accomplished enough in his career.

nuzza11 – illustrative purposes only, not the actual person

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