
Her Boyfriend Promised They Could Open Up Their Relationship After She Caught Him Cheating In His Car, But Whenever She Brings It Up, He Says It’s Not The Right Time

Syda Productions - - illustrative purposes only, not the actual people

For the last eight years, this 24-year-old girl has been dating her 25-year-old boyfriend, and over the years, she’s felt as if perhaps it’s time to move on and experience something outside of him.

She even mentioned this to her boyfriend on occasion, but he maintained he only wanted to be with her and wasn’t interested in someone else.

“Well, as you’ve probably guessed, that wasn’t strictly true,” she explained. “Two years ago, I caught him red-handed in his car [sleeping] with another woman.”

“She told me it had been going on for a few months, and she’s actually met him through her friend, who he was also sleeping with.”

“We sat down and spoke about it after and he said he loves me but feels like he needs to explore a bit more before he settles down.”

“I have had these same thoughts, so I decided to forgive him but said we need to do something more, whether it be as a couple or open the relationship up. He agreed and said once he was ready, he’d let me know, and we’d do it.”

This conversation and the cheating happened two years ago. Every single time she’s asked her boyfriend if they could open up their relationship, as agreed, he said no.

He would always claim that the timing wasn’t right or he needed more time to get his feelings right on the matter.

She admits she’s become desperate at this rate to experience another person, as well as something that’s new and adventurous.

Syda Productions – – illustrative purposes only, not the actual people

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