
She’s Getting Married In September, But She Has An Enormous Crush On An 18-Year-Old Guy She Met Online

Ilona - - illustrative purposes only, not the actual person

Come September, this 33-year-old woman is supposed to be marrying her 38-year-old fiancé, and they have been together for more than ten years.

They own a home, they don’t have kids, and she says her fiancé is one of her very best friends on the planet.

Throughout the last year, she’s been thrilled to get to plan their wedding. And even though she’s been with her fiancé for quite a long time, no other man has even so much as caught her eye.

Not that long ago, she started to be friendly with an 18-year-old guy online, and they spend most evenings talking in party chats for hours on end.

“There’s no flirting, just chat about all sorts of topics,” she explained. “He is intelligent and sweet. My fiancé is in earshot of our conversations most of the time, so it’s not as though this is going on in secret.”

“It’s taken me by surprise, however, to realize that I have developed a huge crush on my online friend.”

“I find myself wondering what he’s doing during the day and get crazy butterflies thinking about him. I can’t wait until I can next chat with him and crave private conversations. As a result, I have also lost some interest in my wedding planning.”

She realizes it’s absurd. They live in different countries and have an enormous age gap. Never in her life would she have imagined developing a crush on someone so much younger than her, but that’s her life right now.

She suspects her online friend is unaware of her feelings, and another thing he’s in the dark about is her age, as she has never mentioned it. Her online friend only knows she’s older and has a full-time job.

Ilona – – illustrative purposes only, not the actual person

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