His Daughter Asked Him To Give Her A Mom And A Normal Life, So He Finally Snapped At Her And Said He Doesn’t Want To Date

ID 240152093 - © Lesia Kapinosova - Dreamstime.com -  illustrative purposes only, not the actual child
ID 240152093 - © Lesia Kapinosova - Dreamstime.com - illustrative purposes only, not the actual child

This 39-year-old man has an 11-year-old daughter, and sadly, his wife tragically passed away in an accident 9 years ago.

He has done everything in his power to keep his wife’s memory still going even though so much time has elapsed since she passed.

He also has really wanted his daughter to have a connection to her mom as she grew up since she was too little to actually remember her.

And in regards to his love life now, he has no interest in trying to move on and date. He just wants to be alone.

“To be honest, I don’t think I’ve completely gotten over losing her,” he explained. “It doesn’t dominate my mind space as it used to, and I can lead a fairly normal life, but I don’t want to date anyone because I’m not ready or interested, and it’s not fair to date someone else if I’m not completely over my wife.”

“My sister is 3 years younger than me and has insisted I start dating since 1 year after my wife died. She’s tried to introduce me to a few women over the years too, which I didn’t really appreciate, but she kept doing.”

“She says she is looking out for me, which I understand, but I wish she would respect my wishes. Last year she started putting thoughts into my daughter’s head, too, which really upset me.”

His sister would prod his daughter and ask if she wanted a mommy. His sister also said to his daughter that she really is going to need a mom soon as she grows into becoming a woman.

His sister is married and has 2 kids, and his daughter is super close with his sister’s children.

ID 240152093 – © Lesia Kapinosova – Dreamstime.com – illustrative purposes only, not the actual child

Throughout the last 6 months, his daughter will go visit his sister and his sister’s kids but then come home and want to know why they can’t have a “normal family” just like his sister has.

“My heart pretty much broke at that point, and I started to question if I was being selfish,” he said.

“They were both over yesterday when my daughter again brought the topic up. I firmly told her, “I’m not interested, and I don’t want to,” which I agree was harshly spoken.”

His daughter began sobbing and has not said a word to him since that incident. As for his sister, she accused him of being selfish and prioritizing his own needs instead of his daughter’s needs.

He replied to his sister that she needed to leave him alone, and she didn’t take that well at all. His sister said she had to stay at his house and couldn’t leave because she had to console his daughter.

He does plan on saying sorry to his daughter for being not so nice to her, though he wants to make it clear to her that he has zero interest in finding her a mom.

He’s left wondering if he really is selfish for choosing this. Do you think he is?

You can read the original post on Reddit here.

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