How To Find “Me Time” As A New Mom And Show Yourself A Bit of Extra Love

ID 53780775 - © Rohappy - -  illustrative purposes only, not the actual people
ID 53780775 - © Rohappy - - illustrative purposes only, not the actual people

Let’s face it: being a new mom is a whirlwind of excitement and joy that also comes with a healthy dose of chaos. The days after you have your baby tend to blur together as feedings and diaper changes fill up your hours.

But while this new chapter can be wonderful and beautiful, it can also start to drive many new moms a bit insane. It is super easy to feel guilty about this, too.

Don’t let any shame get the best of you, though. You shouldn’t feel bad about wanting some time for yourself, even if your baby was just born.

After all, how can you be your best if you are always pouring from an empty cup?

It’s impossible, which is why it’s essential for new moms to carve out some time for themselves. Taking care of yourself will only help you take even better care of your little one.

And if you’re sitting here wondering where in the world you’re going to find the time, just stick with me.

How To Find “Me Time” In Your Day

Just as life is often messy, your house following the addition of a newborn will also be a beautiful mess. And honestly, it’s just time to accept that.

You might not always have time to make the house spotless or cook a grand dinner each evening, and that’s okay. Start embracing imperfections and letting go of the idea that you have to be a “perfect parent.”

ID 53780775 – © Rohappy – – illustrative purposes only, not the actual people

This will not only help you take a breather but will also free up some time in your schedule to do something other than chores.

Of course, relying on your support network is crucial, too. Not all moms are fortunate enough to have a village, but if you have a partner, family member, or friend, don’t hesitate to rely on them in times of need. Even 30 minutes of free time to take a solo walk while your bestie looks after your baby can do wonders for your mental health.

Moms with or without support systems can also benefit from creating a routine. After bringing home your baby, your old schedule probably flew out the window and was replaced with early-morning diaper changes and late-night feedings. No matter how wonky your schedule looks right now, though, work to create a routine around it.

Remember that babies are anything but predictable, so flexibility will be key here. Nonetheless, you will be able to identify pockets of time when your baby is usually napping or otherwise content to sit down and unwind– even if it’s just for a few minutes.

Finding “me time” doesn’t have to mean a spa day or weekend getaway, either (although those do sound lovely).  Sometimes, showing yourself a bit of extra love can be as simple as heading to a workout class, reading a chapter of a book, or getting to take a long, uninterrupted shower.

Don’t forget to communicate with loved ones whenever you are feeling overwhelmed. You may feel averse to asking for help, as many people are, but don’t put yourself through any more challenges alone. More often than not, those around you will be glad to lend a hand, and you will be able to catch up on some well-deserved personal space.

Finally, as you navigate this new phase of your life, remember that it’s just that: a phase. As overwhelming as the newborn stage is, it is only temporary. So, try to soak in the beautiful moments when you can, and keep pushing– because soon, finding time for yourself will gradually become more manageable.

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Katharina Buczek graduated from Stony Brook University with a degree in Journalism and a minor in Digital Arts. Specializing ... More about Katharina Buczek

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