
She Picked A Fight With Her Friend After Their Plans Got Canceled For The Fourth Time In A Row But Got Accused Of Being The Bad Guy

ID 249279287 - © Valerii Honcharuk - - illustrative purposes only, not the actual person

This 18-year-old woman has a friend named Ava, who is also 18. This year, Ava will be heading to another city to attend college.

“So, obviously, I wanted to hang out with Ava before she left,” she said.

But she had been spending most of her time preparing for a really competitive exam, which she finished this past May. That’s why she hadn’t seen Ava for more than an hour over the past two years, and she really wanted to see her friend before they lost the opportunity.

So, ever since May, she has been reaching out to Ava and trying to make plans to hang out. However, every single time, something always came up, and their plans got canceled.

This was mostly due to issues on Ava’s side, too.

For instance, the first time they were supposed to meet up, Ava claimed it was impossible to get a cab due to the rain. But it wasn’t even raining that bad; instead, she said it was just drizzling.

Regardless, she said it was fine, and she and Ava planned a different hang-out.

Yet, for a second time, Ava canceled and simply said she couldn’t make it. This happened for their third hangout plan, too, when Ava claimed something urgent had come up.

“I started to think that maybe Ava just doesn’t want to meet me,” she recalled.

ID 249279287 – © Valerii Honcharuk – – illustrative purposes only, not the actual person

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