
She Sadly Showed What Her Three-Year-Old Daughter’s Birthday Party Looked Like When Nobody Bothered Showing Up

ID 40026117 - © Natalia Kirichenko - - illustrative purposes only, not the actual child

Many parents strive to go above and beyond for their children on their birthdays and go all out with the decorations, the activities, and the food.

All of this is done out of love and in hopes of family and friends gathering around to celebrate the child’s special day. But all of the excitement leading up to the party can quickly turn into disappointment in the blink of an eye.

This mother and TikTok user Gloria (@2down4u_official) shares how she was let down by her friends and family when no one showed up to her daughter’s birthday party.

In the video, Gloria panned around her backyard, showcasing all of the time, effort, and thought that she put into her daughter’s Minnie Mouse-themed birthday party. The space was filled with pink and black balloons, festive streamers, and three tables decorated with Minnie decor.

There was even a Minnie Mouse bounce house in the yard that her daughter was playfully jumping around in.

“My baby turned 3, and no one came to her birthday party. I cooked and made a bunch of pastries. I was excited to celebrate with family and friends. No one showed up for her,” Gloria wrote in her video.

Many people in her comments shared their sympathy for her and her daughter, and some also shared their similar experiences. Others gave advice on what to do instead next time, such as going on a family trip or taking the child to her favorite place.

“These kinds of things prove to us who is real and who is not in our lives. But [it’s] better to know who truly has the best interest in you and your kids,” one commenter said.

In an update video, Gloria shared that her niece surprised her and her daughter by traveling over 1,200 miles to be with them to celebrate the child’s birthday.

ID 40026117 – © Natalia Kirichenko – – illustrative purposes only, not the actual child

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