
When Is It Safe For A Baby To Go In A Pool?

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Even if you didn’t have a water birth, your baby has always been exposed to water, such as in the womb and when receiving baths.

It’s natural for your baby to be in water, but the pool might be a different story. When is it safe to bring a baby into the pool?

Technically, there is no official age recommendation for when babies can go in pools, so that means it’s up to the parents’ judgment.

However, the general consensus from pediatricians is that you should wait until your baby is at least six months old because there are several risk factors involved in most swimming pools. Here’s what you should consider before taking your little one to the pool.

Babies aren’t able to regulate their body temperature very well yet, so you will need to closely monitor the water’s temperature before allowing your baby to take a dip with you.

If the water is too cold or hot, their temperature can take a nosedive or skyrocket just as quickly. Hot tubs or heated pools with temperatures that are more than 100 degrees Fahrenheit are not safe for children under three years old.

Additionally, the chemical content in pools can pose a risk to your baby’s health. Chemicals like chlorine are used to keep pools clean, but exposure to it at an early age can increase the chances of developing certain health issues.

According to a 2011 study by the American Academy of Pediatrics (AAP), infants who swim in chlorinated pools have a heightened risk of developing bronchiolitis. It also makes the lungs more sensitive to infection, asthma, and respiratory allergies later in life.

The chlorine can be harsh on your baby’s sensitive skin, and you must be watchful over how much pool water your baby might swallow.

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