
He And His Wife Want To Continue Giving $1,000 Bonuses To Help Out Their Son’s Teachers, Even Though The School Admin Asked Them To Stop

arts - illustrative purposes only, not the actual person

Over the past two years, this man and his wife have always given their son’s teachers very generous Christmas and end-of-year gifts– totaling a whopping $1,000 each.

On the first day of school, he and his wife also provided their son’s teacher with a $500 Amazon gift card to be used for school supplies for the classroom.

His wife always included a very nice thank you card, too, and wrote a note detailing their appreciation.

“We hope this helps take a little of the burden off running short of items for the kids. My parents were both teachers, with my mom teaching kindergarten, so I saw how often she would purchase items for her classroom out of pocket. We can afford to do this, and it makes us really happy to help out,” his wife writes.

And just yesterday, his 5-year-old son started his first day of kindergarten. For the previous two years, he had been attending the same school for Pre-K3 and Pre-K4 with different teachers and aides each year.

So, they dropped their son off for the third year at this school, and his wife gave their son’s new teacher the Amazon gift card and the note– wishing the teacher, who was brand new at the school, a good first year.

“What I believe happened is she got nervous she couldn’t accept this and went to the admins on how to proceed,” he recalled.

“No issue with that; probably a sound idea.”

However, one of the admins wound up contacting him later in the afternoon and claimed that he and his wife could not give Amazon gift cards anymore. On top of that, the admin also asked them to stop providing the $1,000 Christmas and end-of-year gifts.

arts – illustrative purposes only, not the actual person

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