
She Called Her Stepsister A Spoiled Golddigger After She Said She Should Split The Money That Her Dad Offered To Give Her For Her Wedding

photopitu - illustrative purposes only, not the actual person

It’s normal for there to be some tension or jealousy at times between step-siblings. It’s a relationship that comes with its own special set of challenges.

One woman recently snapped at her stepsister, who has been bitter and jealous of her for years because she has a closer relationship with her dad.

She’s 24-years-old, and her parents are split up. Thirteen years ago, her dad married his current wife, Melissa, who has a 25-year-old daughter named Sara.

She didn’t spend a ton of time at her dad’s growing up since she lived with her mom full-time. However, when she did visit her dad for usually two nights a week, they spent valuable time together, and he’d take her out to dinner.

While she and Melissa never grew very close, Melissa was always nice to her. Sara, however, was a different story.

“Sara, on the other hand, has always been jealous of me and my relationship with my dad,” she said.

“Anything I was doing, she wanted to do. Anywhere I was going with my dad, she wanted to come. My dad always handled it, but I was always aware that she was clearly unhappy when I was around.”

One time, her dad even expressed to her that it stressed him out how much Sara expected from him. Anytime he tried talking to Melissa about it, she’d dismiss his concerns.

Since she moved away from home, she hadn’t seen Sara in years. But she recently got engaged, so she went into town to have dinner with her fiancé, her dad, Melissa, Sara, and Sara’s fiancé.

photopitu – illustrative purposes only, not the actual person

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