
A Teacher At Her School Got Fired For Dating A Student And Eventually Got The Student Pregnant

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Unfortunately, many illegal acts have taken place in the halls of educational institutions across the country.

And, of course, rumors of criminal activity spread like wildfire in schools. There’s nothing that teens love more than drama.

TikToker Olivia (@definitelynotoliviahaha) went to an all-girls Catholic high school, and she’s revealing the juiciest, most shocking scandal from her school days, which involved a teacher-student relationship.

One day, her school hired a new chemistry teacher, and his name was Mr. V. He was a nerdy guy, and all the students liked to joke around with him.

He started an after-school anime club that met two days a week. Girls would gather in his classroom for an hour to watch anime and eat sushi.

But then, three days before Thanksgiving break, Mr. V announced that he would be gone the next day for a doctor’s appointment.

So, he was not at school the following day. However, he also wasn’t there for the next few days. The girls all wondered what had happened to him.

The day after Thanksgiving, the school sent out an email informing everyone that Mr. V had been permanently terminated from his position.

Olivia and her friends speculated about what Mr. V could have done to get fired. After a few weeks went by, they got a new chemistry teacher.

Brastock Images – – illustrative purposes only, not the actual people

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