
Her Daughter’s Best Friend’s Family Keeps Buying Her Daughter Gifts Since She’s In A Tough Financial Situation, But While She Appreciates The Gestures, It’s Making Her Very Uncomfortable

leszekglasner - - illustrative purposes only, not the actual person

This 24-year-old woman has been raising her 10-year-old niece, Alice, and she’s been doing so since Alice was only 5 months old.

Essentially, even though Alice isn’t her biological daughter, and she hasn’t legally adopted her, she feels like her daughter.

Sadly, Alice’s biological mother abandoned her five months after giving birth to her.

After that, Alice’s mother continued visiting but stopped by the time Alice was 1 year old.

Since then, Alice hasn’t seen her biological mother.

Unfortunately, her brother, Alice’s father, struggled with substance abuse up until two or three years ago.

He has barely reached out to Alice over the years, and he’s currently on parole in a different state.

Her brother has stated that he is going to move to their state so that he can take over custody of Alice once he’s comfortable with his new life after he’s no longer on parole.

For a year, she and her boyfriend lived in an apartment together, and both worked full-time jobs. They struggled financially and would spend their whole paychecks just before the next payday. Once in a while, they would run out of money before their next paychecks came in, so they would have to ask their family members if they could borrow money.

leszekglasner – – illustrative purposes only, not the actual person

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