
She Invited 27 Kids To Her Daughter’s Birthday Party, But Nobody Came

mihail_pustovit - - illustrative purposes only

One of the things that I always looked forward to growing up was birthday parties. Growing up in a house with 7 kids, there were always a lot of birthdays throughout the year.

We were always allowed to invite just a couple of friends since the house was pretty full of the people who lived there.

It was always interesting for my birthday since one of my older brothers’ birthday was the day before mine. The two of us had combined birthday parties until I was about 12. It was just easier. But none of us ever had to experience no one showing up to our parties.

One mother is sharing what happened to her child on their third birthday, and it’s absolutely heartbreaking.

Breanna Strong posted a video on TikTokk, showing the party set up for her 3-year-old child’s birthday. Pizza, cake, drinks, and games in what looks like one of those trampoline parks.

“We invited 27 kids to Avery’s 3rd birthday party,” she shared. “Not a single one of her friends showed up.”

“Money and time wasted. Breaks my momma heart so bad. Literally going to go home and snuggle my babies.”

Just seeing the disappointment on her face, I feel for her and Avery. Birthdays are supposed to be fun and happy, making memories with friends and eating too much junk food and cake. It’s not supposed to be a moment where no one shows up for them.

A lot of people shared their thoughts about this, and so many people shared what they do so that they never have to go through what Avery did.

mihail_pustovit – – illustrative purposes only

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