
He’s Getting Married In A Month, But He Doesn’t Want To, And He’s Not Sure He Has The Courage To Call The Wedding Off

Tamani Chithambo/ - - illustrative purposes only, not the actual person

This 35-year-old man has spent six years with his 29-year-old fiancée, and two years ago, she really put the pressure on him to propose.

Before he met his fiancée, he never wanted the traditional relationship. He had no interest in marriage or children since he likes being free to do whatever he pleases.

But then, when he met his fiancée, he began asking her to go out with him since he was instantaneously attracted to her.

As they kept on dating, he thought she was wonderful. She liked how weird he was, and even though she was super conservative, he found her to be amazing.

After they got serious, it never crossed his mind to get married. He just figured they would see where things went and go with the flow.

He knows now that was an enormous mistake. Now, his wedding is a month away, and he thought he would be ready to marry his fiancée when it came time to walk down the aisle, but he is not ready at all.

“I didn’t really want to get engaged,” he explained. “I’ve never been focused on building a home or having children as one of my goals.”

“I rather see myself living a life dedicated to my creativity, creating art, and doing my thing. I have good friends and family that give me all the familial love I need…I’ve never had that craving for a family of my own, nor do I right now.”

“My [fiancée], on the other hand, her dream is to be a mother and start a family. We already spoke about this, and I told her I wouldn’t do this for at least 5 years while I pursued all my projects, but I’m not sure she appreciates how passionate I am about my projects and not having a child right now.”

halcon1 – – illustrative purposes only, not the actual person

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