
She’s Angry At Her Fiancé Because He Proposed With An Incredibly Cheap Ring

Tanaly - - illustrative purposes only

This woman’s fiancé, who is 35 years old, just proposed to her very recently. But, rather than being over the moon about her engagement, she’s been super upset about one specific detail: the cost of her engagement ring.

Apparently, her now-fiancé decided to stop at Walmart prior to Halloween in order to buy his nephew a costume for the holiday. And while he was at the superstore, he also picked up a sterling silver ring.

Then, he obviously proposed with the ring, and he actually provided her with the receipt afterward– claiming that she could exchange or return the piece of jewelry if she didn’t like it.

It was when she looked at the receipt that she realized just how little money her fiancé had spent on the ring.

“He makes good money, as I do, and he got me a ring that is less than two hours of his wage post-tax!” she revealed.

Yet, when it was her fiancé’s birthday, she went all out for him. In fact, she bought him a gift that was ten times more expensive than her engagement ring.

Not to mention, her fiancé routinely purchases toys or other gadgets for himself that cost much more than what he spent on the ring.

She also buys all of her own jewelry, and all of her pieces are worth more than the engagement ring.

That’s why she didn’t hold back her honest feelings and admitted to feeling offended by the ring. She also told her fiancé that he would have annoyed her less if he had just proposed to her with a Ring Pop.

Tanaly – – illustrative purposes only

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