
This Young Man Has Autism, And His Outside Of The Box Way Of Thinking Inspired Him To Start A Successful Recycling Business

OlegKovalevich - - illustrative purposes only

Ashton Gilbert is a resident of Lebanon, Tennessee, and this young man started a recycling company called UnBoxed Recycling. The business was born in March of 2021 and was driven into existence for several reasons.

It all began with Ashton’s need for employment and his mother’s need for weekly cardboard removal due to her own small business.

Once the idea was out there, they discovered that many households and small businesses also lacked an efficient cardboard removal service, as those kinds of services were limited in their area.

Since we’re in the age of online shopping, many people frequently purchase items from Amazon, which can rack up a lot of cardboard boxes.

Furthermore, as a young adult with autism, it can be difficult to make traditional employment work.

“Job opportunities for those with unique differences are very challenging, and COVID really put a damper on that,” said Ashton’s mother, Ashley York.

“The community has just really wrapped their arms around him and been excited about his business venture, and it’s expanding pretty quickly.”

Right now, Ashton has about fifteen regular clients who pay him to pick up and recycle their cardboard. He’s living on his own and learning how to manage money with his mother’s help.

UnBoxed Recycling’s team consists of Ashton, Ashley, and Ashton’s dad. However, the goal is to eventually hire other individuals who may be on the spectrum or have other disabilities. At Ashton’s company, they will be able to ‘UnBox their potential.’

OlegKovalevich – – illustrative purposes only

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