You Spend Most Of Your Weekdays At Work, So Why Not Romanticize Your Career? Here’s How To Make Your Job Feel More Gratifying While Still Climbing The Corporate Ladder

Photo 194103117 © Nenitorx - - illustrative purposes only, not the actual person
Photo 194103117 © Nenitorx - - illustrative purposes only, not the actual person

The practice of romanticizing your life has been a viral sensation on social media, and like almost any other trend I see on TikTok, I’m totally obsessed with it. This romanticizing trend is a new way of exploring mindfulness and paying attention to the beauty in the little things around you.

From running errands to bedtime routines, it is possible to elevate all the different areas of your life through the act of romanticizing, making the mundane, everyday tasks more joyful and exciting. The practice is not just reserved for the day-to-day—you can romanticize your career as well.

Your 9 to 5 probably isn’t something you would consider as enjoyable. Rather, it might give you the feeling of being tied down. Even people who are passionate about what they do for a living have days when they’re unhappy with work. However, there are ways to make your job more gratifying while still climbing the corporate ladder.

Create a space with main character energy

The first step to adding more joy to your job is to personalize your workspace. Yes, all you really might need is a desk, a computer, a water bottle, and some snacks nearby. But when you look past functionality and incorporate fun little accessories, it can make your day feel that much brighter.

Try lighting some fall candles to get yourself in a more positive mood. Or keep a cute, cozy blanket within arm’s length that you can easily reach for when you get cold. I like to color coordinate everything from my pens and sticky notes to my keyboard and office chair—light pink and gold is my go-to theme. The little things can really help enhance your mood on a daily basis.

Be present with your senses

When romanticizing your life in general, tuning in to your senses is key. To bring this into your work, run through a list of touch, sound, smell, and taste each morning before work.

Focus on being present in the moment and notice the feel of your clothing, the birds chirping outside your window, the fragrance of your morning coffee, and the taste of your breakfast. Putting in the effort to pay attention to your daily sensory experience can help you find a greater appreciation in your work routine.

Photo 194103117 © Nenitorx – – illustrative purposes only, not the actual person

Take breaks with intention

Something I struggle with is scrolling through my phone during my breaks, and I think most people can claim to do the same. It’s not very romantic or main character-like. Spending some time away from our phones by taking a short walk, chatting with a coworker, or slowly sipping on a warm mug of tea can leave us feeling more refreshed and ready to get back to work. Being offline gives your brain some rest, helping to reduce those feelings of being overwhelmed.

Set boundaries

A life of romance does not include taking on more tasks with your already heavy workload in order to accommodate others. Rather, that will quickly put you on the path toward a life of resentment. Before you agree to more work, stop and think about whether you can really handle yet another responsibility. When you can finish work at 5 p.m. on the dot, it allows you to have more time for self-care and hobbies, so it doesn’t feel like your job is your entire life.

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Emily  Chan is a writer who covers lifestyle and news content. She graduated from Michigan State University with a ... More about Emily Chan

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