
Her Parents Got Her Husband A Birthday Gift That Cost $5.99, Which Upset Her, Because They’re Generous Gift-Givers

New Africa - - illustrative purposes only

This 31-year-old woman claims that her parents are not in a tough spot when it comes to money. Yet, just last year, they didn’t bother getting her husband, who is 26, a birthday gift.

And even though her parents gave her husband a present this year, it only cost $5.99!

This really upsets her, too, since both of her parents are huge present-givers. Plus, earlier this year, she and her husband got her parents really thoughtful gifts for their birthdays, Mother’s Day, and Father’s Day.

For instance, they bought her mom flights to visit them on her mom’s birthday and Mother’s Day. As for her dad, they got him a Home Depot gift card and a nice pillow.

“My husband is equally as invested in both wanting to do something thoughtful and also financially splitting the cost of those gifts with me,” she said.

Her parents, on the other hand, don’t seem as invested in forging a meaningful relationship with her husband.

They had already canceled plans to visit her and her husband twice over the past year, which was very upsetting, especially for her husband.

“My husband is a traditional Hispanic man, and family means a lot to him,” she explained.

“In his eyes, my family is his family. Although he has a wonderful family of his own as well.”

New Africa – – illustrative purposes only

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