
Her Teen Daughter Wants An iPhone For Christmas, But She Thinks It’s A Waste Of Money, And She’s Getting Accused Of Ruining Her Daughter’s Life

_chupacabra_ - - illustrative purposes only, not the actual person

This woman and her husband have two daughters– who are 16 and 13-years-old. And together, they decided that they wouldn’t buy either of their children an expensive phone that costs over $300.

“I feel like they are a waste of money, especially for a teenager. They can save up for one if they want, but we won’t buy them one,” she said.

When it comes to the holidays, she and her husband also set a budget of about $400 for individual gifts and try not to exceed it unless there is a specific item that would genuinely help their daughters.

That’s why her 16-year-old daughter previously had a Samsung phone that they bought her for her thirteenth birthday. And it was only recently that her eldest daughter saved up enough money to purchase an iPhone 15.

But now, her 13-year-old daughter– who already has an old Galaxy S8 that works fine– wants a new phone for Christmas, too.

She and her husband were actually on board with that as long as the new device was under $300. But when they told their youngest daughter that, though, their daughter threw a major fit.

“My daughter says it’s unfair that her sister has an iPhone, but she doesn’t,” she revealed.

“So I told my daughter that she could do chores and babysit or save up birthday and Christmas money from relatives to get an iPhone, but we would not buy her one.”

Well, rather than having her back on that, her husband actually sort of agreed with their daughter. He believes that they should just buy her the iPhone, claiming it’s now unfair that their eldest has one.

_chupacabra_ – – illustrative purposes only, not the actual person

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