
She Won’t Let Her Stepdaughter Move In, Because She Was Assaulted By Her Stepdaughter The Last Time They Lived Together

WavebreakMediaMicro - - illustrative purposes only, not the actual person

This 36-year-old woman and her husband, who is 40, met about five years ago and tied the knot three years ago.

But, her husband has a daughter from his first marriage, who is 20, and his daughter used to spend half the time living at her house. Her stepdaughter was 17-years-old at the time.

However, it was always made very clear to her that she wasn’t her stepdaughter’s mother and that she didn’t have any authority over her stepdaughter.

“It wasn’t odd since my stepdaughter was 17, and I wasn’t interested in being a mother figure,” she recalled.

Over time, though, she noticed that her stepdaughter took it one step further and would purposely try to provoke her while living with her and her husband.

Her stepdaughter never did anything severe. Instead, it was little things, like leaving the house in a mess and not cleaning up after herself.

So, eventually, she started to complain about the issues– which aren’t uncommon in most households with teenagers.

But then, one day, things took a turn after her stepdaughter broke her expensive china, and her husband claimed that his daughter would need to pay for the damages.

Rather than owning up to that, her stepdaughter reportedly freaked out and actually assaulted her.

WavebreakMediaMicro – – illustrative purposes only, not the actual person

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