
A Recent Report Revealed The Top 10 Most Bizarre Personal Belongings Guests Have Left Behind In Hotels Across Europe, And The Items Are Hilarious

Another item that made #7 on the list was a clown costume, and it’s another item that probably gave housekeepers the heebie-jeebies.

Perhaps one of the most random items on the list followed the clown costume. Someone once left an inflatable boat in their hotel room. I hope they realized they had forgotten it before it was too late!

Can you guess what the final two items on the list were? I’ll give you a hint – one is a very expensive snack, and the other has to do with religion. The last two items were caviar and rosary beads.

I’m assuming that the person leaving caviar behind had enough money to casually leave leftover caviar in a hotel without thinking about it.

The rosary beads, however, are a bit sadder, as they usually hold more sentimental value, and I hope the owner was able to get them back!

So there you have it: some of the weirdest items left behind in hotels last year.

If you’ve ever stayed in a hotel, have you ever left something valuable behind by mistake?

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