
Her Mother Is Threatening To “Reveal” How Awful She Is And Turn The Rest Of The Family Against Her

nagaets - - illustrative purposes only, not the actual person

Not long ago, this 32-year-old woman had to keep her distance and set boundaries with her mother, 53. Prior to this, they had just made peace with one another after an argument.

“It has become apparent she only said she was sorry for a previous fight for the holidays, and unless I play along and walk on eggshells, she will continue her bad behavior,” she said.

From childhood, her mother set the expectation for her to emotionally support her. It’s gotten to the point where she needs to protect her own mental health, and she doesn’t want her mother to rely on her for emotional support anymore.

“She is now threatening to ‘reveal’ how awful I am to some extended family,” she explained.

However, she has no idea what evidence her mother could give to their family because, during their last fight, she took the high road and displayed a ton of self-control, careful to avoid saying things she would later wish she hadn’t said.

She didn’t call her mother names or disrespect her in any way. Sadly, her mother didn’t treat her in the same regard.

“I did stick to my convictions and was asking that certain boundaries be respected. I am concerned, though, since she has turned much of the immediate family against me and is actively working to ensure I am isolated,” she explained.

On her end, she saved cruel things her mother had said to her through text messages, emails, and even a horrific voicemail.

In the voicemail, her mother hurled a bunch of awful insults at her, even name-calling her father.

nagaets – – illustrative purposes only, not the actual person

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