
Here’s How You Can Finally Start To Move On If You’re Still In Love With Your Ex

Be realistic about the circumstances.

When we’re missing an ex after a breakup, it’s easy to look back on your relationship with rose-colored glasses and forget about all the reasons why things had to end. Try your best to remind yourself of the reasons why you and your ex broke up. Perhaps they were holding you back, or you two were arguing constantly. 

Even if the reasons seem blurry while you grieve your relationship, remember that breaking up for the time being was for the better.

Think about what you can learn from your breakup.

There are always lessons to be learned in these difficult life situations. Instead of reflecting on the past, reflect on everything you’ve learned about yourself since the breakup. Through this experience, you’ve likely learned something new about yourself, how you function in relationships, and the things you need to work on.

Practice self-love.

One of the biggest wake-up calls after ending a relationship is that you have to start loving yourself and stop seeking love from your ex. It’s extremely hard to practice self-love after a breakup, as for a while there, you were getting all the love you needed from someone else. But now, it’s time to take care of yourself.

Self-love isn’t just throwing on a face mask and getting in a bubble bath. Practicing self-love means exploring how you can care for your mind, body, and heart. Avoid talking down to yourself, and show yourself some appreciation for making it this far.

Breakups are one of the most stressful life events human beings can go through, and they’re even harder when you still have feelings for the person you broke up with. However, you will overcome this difficult time with self-love and hard work. Hang in there!

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