
She Left Her Husband’s Children Out Of Her Will Because They Always Made It Clear That She Was Just Their Father’s Wife, Not Their Mother

shurkin_son - - illustrative purposes only, not the actual person

This 52-year-old woman married a man named John, 58, 15 years ago. Three years before they met, John’s wife sadly passed away due to a tragic accident.

John and his late wife had two children named Mark, 24, and Lisa, 22. Understandably, John’s entire family and his in-laws were shattered when his wife died, and he struggled a lot during the first year of his grief journey.

When she and John first started dating, he communicated often with his late wife’s parents. Since he was now raising two kids on his own, his in-laws pitched in a lot with childcare, and he also leaned on them when he was having a difficult time with his mental health.

She was always comfortable with this, completely understood his connection to his in-laws, and told John that she would never do anything to hinder the bonds with his late wife’s family. Eventually, as their relationship progressed, she met Mark and Lisa.

“They made it known to me instantly that I would never replace their mother and weren’t particularly pleased with my presence in their home. I accepted that, and I, in agreement with John, decided that we would let our relationship advance slowly to let the kids adjust,” she said.

In addition, she and John decided that she wouldn’t attempt to take on the role of a stepmom or move in unless Mark and Lisa indicated they were comfortable with it. They would only get married after receiving Mark and Lisa’s acceptance to do so.

Over the years, everyone in the family attended therapy together and individually since she and John were careful to keep Mark and Lisa’s boundaries in mind regarding their relationship.

So, she lived with John and his children, but she never took on any of the disciplinary responsibilities included in a parental role.

While she attended school Mark and Lisa’s school events, cooked them meals, did housework, and conversed with them in an amicable manner, she never enforced rules.

shurkin_son – – illustrative purposes only, not the actual personSign up for Chip Chick’s newsletter and get stories like this delivered to your inbox.

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