
She Wants To Expose Her Dad After He Bailed Out Of Contributing Money To Her Wedding At The Last Minute And Stole Over $1,000 From Her Grandfather, Which Was Supposed To Go Toward Her Nuptials

Nejron Photo - - illustrative purposes only, not the actual person

This 27-year-old woman is currently engaged and will be tying the knot in only two months. At the very beginning, she and her fiancé also thought that they wanted to elope.

However, they eventually decided to have a more traditional wedding instead and try to make it low-budget. Well, as affordable as possible, given the astronomical prices of weddings nowadays.

“Because we didn’t want to regret not doing it,” she recalled.

After deciding to move forward with a wedding, she and her fiancé also spoke to each of their parents regarding the event’s budget around eight months ago.

It was at that point that both her parents and her fiancé’s parents agreed to provide $10,000 each for the big day.

Then, she and her fiancé would be responsible for covering the rest of the wedding expenses, as well as the cost of their honeymoon.

“We were very, very grateful for that,” she said.

Since then, her mother-in-law has already paid the $10,000 in full, which allows her to take care of the venue’s cost, as well as all of her other down payments.

As for her parents, they were supposed to pay their $10,000 three weeks before her wedding in order to cover the food and drink expenses, as well as any outstanding bills.

Nejron Photo – – illustrative purposes only, not the actual person

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