
Every 30 Seconds, There’s A Home Invasion In The U.S., So Here Are Some DIY Home Security Hacks To Keep You Safe Without Breaking The Bank

deagreez - - illustrative purposes only, not the actual person

We live in a world where home invasions are quite common. In fact, one occurs about every 30 seconds in the U.S., adding up to a total of 3,000 break-ins every day.

Whether you’re a homeowner or a renter, security is a major concern. While advanced security systems provide comprehensive protection and ward off potential threats, not everyone has the means to invest in that kind of technology.

Fortunately, there are numerous home security hacks you can implement in order to keep you, your loved ones, and your property safe. These security strategies are simple but effective, bringing you peace of mind and allowing you to improve your defenses without breaking the bank. Here’s what you should do to stay one step ahead of burglars and deter crime before it happens.

Install Fake Security Cameras

Real security cameras can be expensive, so if those are out of range of your budget, fake security cameras are your next best bet. Just the presence of surveillance equipment can be enough to thwart any attempts of burglary.

Fake cameras can seem very realistic and feature blinking lights that discourage potential intruders from targeting your property. In order to determine whether the cameras are fake, they would have to get closer for a better view, which they most likely won’t do because they don’t want to risk getting caught on camera.

Eliminate Hiding Spots In Your Yard

Planting large bushes and shrubs in your yard may increase your curb appeal and give you more privacy, but they also act as perfect hiding spots for burglars.

By keeping your bushes neatly trimmed, you will prevent them from being able to lurk in the shadows. If your property is visible from the street, burglars are less likely to break in because they want to avoid being spotted.

deagreez – – illustrative purposes only, not the actual person

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