
She Called Her Twin Sister A Thief After Her Sister Tried To Shoplift A Pair Of $40 Pants And Got Them Both In Trouble With The Police

NDABCREATIVITY - - illustrative purposes only, not the actual person

This 16-year-old woman has a twin sister, and they recently went on a shopping trip together that ended in chaos– all due to her twin’s bad habit of shoplifting.

According to her, she knew that her sister would sometimes steal items like makeup. Once, her sister even got away with shoplifting around $80 in merchandise from a store and didn’t get caught.

While they were shopping together a few days ago, though, her sister didn’t get so lucky, and they both wound up in trouble.

“To be clear, I did not know my sister was stealing, and I didn’t play any part in her shoplifting spree,” she clarified.

Nonetheless, while they were out shopping together, her sister tried to steal a pair of $40 pants and got caught. This caused the store’s security to take them into a back room and call the police.

She was particularly furious because the security guards also thought that she was aware of her sister’s shoplifting and in on the plan, even though she wasn’t.

“Eventually, they believed me, but it was kind of traumatizing for me. I even cried sitting there while my sister did not show any emotion,” she recalled.

Then, the police called her mom and explained the situation, and obviously, her mom was not happy.

About 30 minutes later, she and her sister were also taken to the police station, and they were forced to do an embarrassing “walk of shame” through the store– which was super crowded.

NDABCREATIVITY – – illustrative purposes only, not the actual person

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