
She Cried When Her Fiancé Said She Has A Face Like A Horse, And She’s Considering Calling Off Their Engagement

Osetrik - - illustrative purposes only

Several months ago, this 31-year-old woman and her 31-year-old fiancé were on their couch watching TV.

A girl came across the screen, being interviewed, and her fiancé remarked that the girl had almond-looking eyes.

She responded that she has eyes like that too, but her fiancé just turned to look at her and stated, “I said almond eyes, not horse face.”

She was so shocked that he would tell her that her face looks like a horse that she couldn’t even respond in that moment.

She just sat there quietly for a bit, allowing his words to sink in, and then she began to cry in front of him.

“He offered no apology, and I just sat there in silence the rest of the night,” she explained. “Now it’s three months or so later, and his words have really stuck with me.”

“I find myself thinking about it more often than I would like to admit. I have a hard enough time feeling beautiful as is, and after his comment, my self-esteem is in the negative.”

“I have found [physical closeness] to be more difficult due to being so self-conscious. Am I overreacting? I spoke to my brother about it, and he said he can’t imagine ever speaking to someone he loves that way, but I wonder if he is just taking my side because he’s my best friend.”

She has tried to tell her fiancé that she is still so incredibly hurt by what he said, but he simply told her he never said that at all, which is clearly a lie.

Osetrik – – illustrative purposes only

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