
She Won Money, But Her Boyfriend Is Angry That She’s Not Sharing Any With Him

insta_photos - - illustrative purposes only, not the actual person

Here’s a scenario: Imagine you won the lottery and were in a committed relationship with someone but were not married to them. Would you feel obligated to share your winnings with them?

One woman who recently won a local lottery upset her boyfriend when she told him she wasn’t sure if she’d give him a portion of the money.

She recently turned 35 and, in honor of her birthday, decided to go out and buy herself a lottery ticket on a whim.

As luck would have it, she happened to win the jackpot. She found out the good news while she was with her 53-year-old boyfriend of four years.

“I am currently renting an apartment [while] his house is still on a mortgage,” she said.

“Our cars are both paid off, and I am a local TV producer, and he’s a TV director. I am in no rush to claim the money [because] I think I have six months to do so. Last night, he asked me about what am I going to do with the money.”

She told her boyfriend she’s had an eye on a nearby warehouse that’s up for sale for over $1 million, and she’d like to buy it and convert it into a warehouse.

Later that day, her boyfriend called his bank in front of her and found out he still owes $230,000 on his house.

While she tried to stay quiet during the call and not react, her boyfriend then told her about how he’d like a new car, obviously hinting that he’d like her to give him some of the money she won.

insta_photos – – illustrative purposes only, not the actual person

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