
She Won’t Share Her Work Promotion Bonus With Her Twin Sister, Even Though Her Sister Is Financially Struggling And Asked For Help

gpointstudio - - illustrative purposes only, not the actual people

Over the last five years, this woman has been working for a marketing firm and has been dedicated and passionate about her work.

Last week, she was offered a promotion, which included an impressive bonus, and she was over the moon.

Immediately after receiving her promotion, she called her twin sister to update her, assuming her sister would be thrilled that she was moving up in her career. Normally, her sister supports her life successes, so her sister’s response threw her for a loop.

She and her sister were inseparable throughout their childhood. After graduating high school, they went to the same college and took many of the same internships.

In recent years, their jobs have taken them in different directions. Her sister is a teacher and adores her job, but it’s common knowledge that teaching doesn’t pay as well as corporate jobs.

“Recently, she found out her school is facing budget cuts, and she’s seriously worried about her job security,” she said.

At first, her sister told her congratulations. However, as their conversation continued, her sister mentioned the idea of her splitting her promotion bonus with her because of how financially insecure she is.

She thought her sister was kidding, so she laughed, but her sister repeated the idea more sincerely.

“My sister talked about how tough things are and hinted that it was only fair since we’re family and should help each other out,” she explained.

gpointstudio – – illustrative purposes only, not the actual people

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