
She Wouldn’t Loan Her Brother-In-Law $900 For His Wife’s Medical Bills After Having A Baby, So Her Brother-In-Law Called Her Out On Facebook For Being “Arrogant And Selfish”

My Ocean studio - - illustrative purposes only, not the actual person

Have you ever had family members get angry with you when you wouldn’t loan them money for something, whether it be related to an emergency or not?

One woman and her husband recently chose not to loan her brother-in-law all the money they needed after they were left with a large hospital bill after having a baby. Now, she’s caught in a whirlwind of drama with her husband’s family.

She and her husband are in their late 20s and live in South East Asia. They don’t have any children and make a decent living where they live. Although they’re not rich, they do live comfortably. 

“My husband [and I] see eye-to-eye when it comes to our finances,” she said.

“We’ve combined our income ever since we got married. We have an emergency fund, a savings account, and a travel fund. The rest goes to the basics, including insurance. As of now, we have a couple thousand dollars in each of our emergency funds and savings accounts.”

In their travel account, they have around $160, which is worth more in her country than in the U.S. While that account is for traveling, their savings and emergency accounts are not to be used unless they encounter an emergency.

She has a 31-year-old brother-in-law named Eric, who just had a second baby with his wife. His wife ended up having a c-section, and they were left with a large hospital bill that was too much for them to handle. So, Eric has recently been trying to get her and her husband to loan him money, as he and his wife don’t have insurance and didn’t expect her to need a c-section.

Eric has been asking her and her husband for at least $900, as the hospital bill was $1,400.

“I told my husband we do not have that extra amount of money to loan them,” she recalled.

My Ocean studio – – illustrative purposes only, not the actual person

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