
The Free-Range Parenting Style Is Perfect For Those Who Prefer To Take A Step Back And Foster More Independence In Their Kids

New Africa - - illustrative purposes only, not the actual people

Over time, access to media has grown, heightening parents’ awareness of all the dangers in the world their kids might fall victim to. As a result, parents today are much more protective and have increased their involvement in their children’s lives.

With fewer opportunities for kids to branch out on their own, questions have surfaced about the impact this might have on their development. For parents who want to take a step back and foster more independence in their children, there’s free-range parenting.

Free-range parenting entails less adult supervision, but that doesn’t mean you’re being uninvolved or permissive.

Rather, it allows your kids to have the freedom to explore the world and experience the consequences of their choices in a safe environment. It forces kids to make their own decisions and solve problems, ensuring they have the skills they need to navigate life as adults.

The idea of free-range parenting started with Lenore Skenanzy, a columnist for the New York Sun. She wrote an article about letting her nine-year-old son ride the New York City subway alone, which gained a lot of attention. Critics argued that her decision was indicative of child neglect.

She later founded the free-range kids movement to encourage parents to refrain from hovering over their children’s shoulders at every minute, which is referred to as helicopter parenting.

She also warned parents that overprotecting their kids won’t help them become independent individuals who can make healthy choices.

Some examples of free-range parenting include letting your child stay home alone or travel to school without an adult by walking or taking public transit.

The kind of responsibilities that a child can handle must be looked at on a case-by-case basis. A 9-year-old from one family may be allowed to stay home alone, while another family has to hire a babysitter for their 12-year-old.

New Africa – – illustrative purposes only, not the actual people

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