
These Tried-And-True Tips For Hassle-Free Travel With Kiddos Should Be In Every Parent’s Playbook

And don’t forget that kids thrive on familiarity, which is why it’s a good idea to pack a favorite toy or blanket to help them feel secure.

Don’t forget chargers for electronic devices, either, and you might want to consider bringing portable battery packs for those long travel days.

Keep Kiddos Engaged

Long flights or lengthy car rides can test the patience of parents and kids alike. That’s why it’s ideal to keep a variety of activities on hand– from coloring books and travel games to headphones for music or audiobooks.

Apps and movies are great here, and you shouldn’t get down on yourself for allowing your child a bit more screen time while you’re on the road or in the air. Plus, don’t underestimate the power of old-school entertainment options like “I Spy” or trivia.

Snacks Are Your Best Friend

Hungry kids are cranky kids, so you should never underestimate the power of snacks– especially during travel.

You can pack a good mix of both healthy and fun snacks. Some easy-to-carry options might include fruit, granola bars, bags of chips, fruit snacks, and small sandwiches– all of which can be total lifesavers.

Don’t forget to keep your kids hydrated, either. But, at the same time, you have to remain mindful of bathroom breaks.

Safety First

Safety is paramount– especially when you are traveling away from home. So, you should always have a plan in case of any emergencies.

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