
He Agreed To Take His Brother And Nephew In After They Got Evicted, But He Wound Up Kicking Them Out Again Because They Played A Dangerous “Prank” By Hiding His Daughter’s EpiPen

Werner - - illustrative purposes only, not the actual person

This man is currently married, and he and his wife have a 12-year-old daughter together named Naomi.

But, his brother– who has a 9-year-old son named Eli– recently lost his job and got evicted from his apartment. So, he and his wife agreed to take his brother and his nephew in. After all, they had more space in their home than his parents had in their condo.

However, right after his brother and Eli moved in, they started having major issues– mainly because his brother calls himself a “jokester.”

He realizes that, back when they were kids, his brother’s clownish personality was pretty funny, too.

“But in my opinion, it’s immature at his age. And he’s passed this on to Eli, which is funny since he’s 9. Eli’s favorite prank is hiding other people’s things,” he explained.

His nephew’s sticky fingers caused a serious scare for his daughter Naomi, too, because she is actually deathly allergic to many common foods. That’s why having her EpiPen nearby is absolutely critical.

Yet, about two weeks ago, his nephew Eli hid his daughter’s EipPen, and she understandably freaked out.

“She wasn’t having an allergic reaction at the time, but still,” he recalled, agreeing with his daughter’s reaction.

He also realized that his own adult brother had been in on the “prank” since Naomi’s EpiPen was housed on a shelf that Eli was too short to reach. So, his brother eventually came clean about helping his nephew with the stunt, and he freaked out on his brother over it.

Werner – – illustrative purposes only, not the actual person

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