
He Broke Up With His Cheating Girlfriend And Reconnected With An Old Female Friend, Who He Just Proposed To, But Now His Ex Is Accusing Him Of Moving On Too Fast And Throwing Their Relationship Away

WavebreakMediaMicro - - illustrative purposes only, not the actual person

Four years ago, this 25-year-old man ended his relationship with a woman named Claire, 25, because she’d been having an affair with a man at her job whom she’d nicknamed her “‘work husband.'”

Before he found out about Claire’s affair, he had a gut feeling for quite a while, but he was shocked when it was confirmed.

After he discovered Claire was cheating on him, he didn’t tell her that he knew because he was too emotionally exhausted to have that conversation.

Instead, he waited several months for the lease to end on the apartment they were living in together. Even though he distanced himself, Claire didn’t question if something was wrong. After their lease ended, he dumped Claire and moved out.

“I told Claire I knew what she did, we were over, and to never contact me again before blocking her number,” he said.

Four months after the breakup, he got back in touch with a woman named Ada, with whom he’d been friends during high school.

Ada was wonderful and the complete opposite of Claire. He always felt butterflies when he told anyone about Ada, whom he described as kind, intelligent, and hilarious.

Over the course of those four months, Claire tried to reach him using other phone numbers, but he blocked every new number she called him from. Claire finally gave up trying to contact him after a while.

“Ada and I started hanging out, clicked almost immediately, and have been dating for three years. On Valentine’s Day, I proposed to her, she said yes, and I made a Facebook post about how happy I was,” he explained.

WavebreakMediaMicro – – illustrative purposes only, not the actual person

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