
He Filed For Divorce And Cut Off His Son After His Wife Confessed That He’s Not Really His Father

Several years after that, Frank got a girlfriend and brought her home to meet them. He and his wife pulled out a family photo album to show Frank’s girlfriend, and as his wife flipped through the book, he kept seeing a man who looked exactly like Frank.

He asked his wife to turn back to a particular photo of this man, and his wife slammed the photo album shut, saying she needed to go finish up dinner.

For the remainder of the evening, his wife hung onto the book and wouldn’t look him in the eyes, so when she finally fell asleep, he grabbed the book and went back to look at all the photos of this man.

As he looked at the mysterious man, he couldn’t help but notice that all of his features were just like Frank’s. His jawline, his mouth, his eyes, his nose; they all aligned.

“When I confronted my wife about it in the morning, a screaming match ensued, our neighbors ended up calling the cops, and I spent the next two days in a hotel in town,” he said.

“I asked my wife to meet me for coffee, where I gave her an ultimatum: she would either agree to take a paternity test, or I would file for divorce.”

“She broke down crying in the middle of the restaurant and confessed that the man in the photos was, in fact, Franks’s biological father and that he wanted nothing to do with her or her baby.”

His wife admitted to baby-trapping him with Frank, knowing that he would be able to find a great job and provide for them after graduating from college.

He was sad and humiliated to hear that his wife lied to him for close to two decades, but what hurt him the most was finding out that Frank knew he wasn’t his real dad for the last four years.

So not only did his wife keep this a secret from him, but Frank hid it from him as well.

“I called Frank and confronted him about keeping this a secret from me, and he told me that he simply didn’t want to give up the life we had and the financial stability I gave him and his mom,” he continued.

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