
He Gave His Girlfriend An Ultimatum And Dumped Her For Not Shaving Her Legs And Armpits

He countered that he’d dump her if she didn’t start shaving again because he didn’t think she was attractive with body hair, and his girlfriend was furious. She told him no woman would shave daily to make him happy or comfortable.

However, he pointed out that he never wanted her to shave daily and was fine with some stubble.

His issue was with long-term periods of his partner not shaving, and he repeatedly told her that he was not comfortable with women who have grown out their body hair leading up to his ultimatum.

“It’s extremely long and not taken care of, and I cannot be forced to like it. I decided to break it off with her. She did not take it lightly and decided to insult me and threatened to break my stuff,” he shared.

Eventually, his girlfriend left their place to stay with her mother. In hindsight, he realized it was wrong to give her an ultimatum, so he understood why she’d been so angry with him.

Upon reflection, he didn’t regret his decision to end the relationship and for them to go in separate directions.

What advice would you give him?

You can read the original post on Reddit here.

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