
He Planned To Fly His Girlfriend To Singapore To See Taylor Swift, But Once He Found Out She Was Going To Break Up With Him After The Trip, He Canceled Her Flight, Hotel, And Just Gave Her One Concert Ticket

Zamrznuti tonovi - - illustrative purposes only, not the actual people

This man works abroad and purchased tickets to a Taylor Swift concert in Singapore for his girlfriend this Saturday. His girlfriend lives in Connecticut, so he thought she’d enjoy a getaway for 10 days in Singapore.

Leading up to the trip, he explained to his girlfriend that they could hang out both weekends and each night, but he’d be at work during the day all week.

Last week, his girlfriend called and told him she wasn’t happy in their long-distance relationship and explained that while she’d still come to Singapore for the concert, they were no longer a couple.

“I asked for clarification. She said she would come for the 10 days, and we could ‘have fun,’ but we were done. I can have fun without paying for it,” he said.

After his girlfriend broke up with him, he transferred her concert ticket to her and canceled her flights and hotel reservations since he’d been the one who paid for them.

When she realized he’d done this, she called him and yelled at him. He told her he was done talking to her and hung up on her before blocking her from contacting him.

“I am hearing from people back home that she has lost it. She had been bragging about getting to see Taylor Swift and the vacation,” he explained.

Since the breakup, his ex-girlfriend told her friends that he had canceled her flights and hotel reservations out of nowhere, and he acknowledged that that was somewhat accurate.

However, he did so in response to his ex dumping him. Before he canceled everything, he didn’t give his ex a heads-up about it.

Zamrznuti tonovi – – illustrative purposes only, not the actual people

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