
He’s Opening Up About How His Sweet Service Dog Named Luna Helps Him Live With Schizophrenia On A Daily Basis

Valerii Apetroaiei - - illustrative purposes only, not the actual person or dog

It’s amazing how much dogs can help us when they’re trained as service dogs.

Dogs are able to help people with all sorts of disorders and illnesses, whether they’re physical or mental.

One man has recently been sharing his story of living with schizophrenia and how his sweet service dog, Luna, helps him on a daily basis.

Kody Green (@schizophrenichippie) is a comedian, motivational speaker, advocate, and content creator who has been very open about living with schizophrenia.

For those who may not know much about schizophrenia, it’s a chronic brain disorder that can cause hallucinations, delusion, and trouble with thinking and speech. Some people with schizophrenia may see or hear things or voices that aren’t really there or struggle with logical thinking.

Although there is no cure for schizophrenia, there are certain treatment plans that can make the disorder much more manageable.

In some of his TikTok videos, Kody has mentioned how he has dealt with auditory and visual hallucinations, which can make life extremely difficult.

Thankfully, Kody has Luna, his sweet and well-trained service dog, who can help him distinguish between his hallucinations and real life.

One of Kody’s most viral videos on TikTok is one he recorded of Luna while having a visual hallucination. He can be seen telling Luna to ‘greet’ someone, but he points to the other side of the room, where no one is standing.

Valerii Apetroaiei – – illustrative purposes only, not the actual person or dog

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