
His Parents Asked Him For $250,000 So They Could Downsize And Buy A New Home, But He Refused To Hand Over The Funds, And His Mom Is Making Him Feel Guilty About It

kiuikson - - illustrative purposes only, not the actual person

This man is currently married and earns a very healthy income – making a salary in the mid-six figures every year. So, just recently, his parents asked him for a huge sum of money, and ever since he refused to hand over the funds, they’ve been giving him a lot of slack.

It all began about a week ago when he attended a family dinner to celebrate his sister – who is 10 years younger than him – getting into a medical fellowship.

All was well for the first 15 minutes until his parents dropped a bomb on him, asking him for a whopping $250,000. Apparently, they are retired and wanted the money so they could downsize and buy a smaller home.

However, he didn’t have that kind of money just lying around. Rather, he would need to sell off his investments to raise that amount of capital, and he didn’t want to do that because then, he’d need to pay taxes.

“So I told them to sell their current house first, come live with me, and then buy another house using the money they received from the previous house,” he recalled.

Sounds reasonable enough, right? Well, he thought so, too, until his mom began criticizing him about his finances.

According to him, his mom likely resents him because he didn’t buy her many things once he started earning a great salary.

“But I’ve also had to pay back almost $160,000 in loans,” he reasoned.

Regardless, his mom started talking about how he never gifted her enough stuff for her birthday – claiming that he didn’t “see her as anything.” Then, she pointed out how, since he was never generous to her in the past, she didn’t actually expect him to help them out with money.

kiuikson – – illustrative purposes only, not the actual person

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