
Her Best Friend Expects Their Friend Group To Help Raise Her Baby After She Got Pregnant By A Man Who Ghosted Her

oleg_ermak - - illustrative purposes only, not the actual person

Have you ever watched your friend do something or get involved with someone you warned them against, then wanted to shake them and say, “I told you so?”

One woman recently snapped at her friend after she got pregnant with a guy she hardly knew and then asked her for help raising the baby when he fled.

She and her best friend, Mary, are both 25. They’ve known each other since high school and have always been close. While she thinks Mary is a wonderful person, she admits she’s always had horrible taste in men, leading her to make some poor choices.

Because of Mary’s past with guys, she and their other friends have tried warning her, protecting her, and getting her into therapy. However, Mary always refused their help.

Mary said there wasn’t anything wrong with liking “exciting men,” even though she and her friends tried telling her these guys were not exciting; they were horrible.

Recently, Mary entered a casual relationship with an “exciting” French guy. While he swore he couldn’t have children, Mary ended up pregnant. What did the French guy do when he found out? He moved back to France and ghosted her.

“[Mary] just graduated college and began her career, and she herself knows she is in no place to have a baby, but she has decided she will because she ‘won’t be doing it alone,’ and she will have people to raise her baby with her,” she explained.

“When I asked her who will be raising the baby with her since the father is clearly not in the picture and her parents are six states away, she said, ‘You guys.’ I told her that while our other friends and I would probably volunteer to babysit from time to time, we were in no place whatsoever to help her with a newborn or a baby.”

Everyone was in similar boats, graduating from some form of school and trying to get their lives on track. Therefore, neither she nor Mary’s other friends could offer her more than some emotional support and the occasional babysitting gig.

oleg_ermak – – illustrative purposes only, not the actual person

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