
His Wife Randomly Decided To Participate In A Beauty Pageant That Has Swimsuit Rounds, And He’s Getting Really Jealous And Uncomfortable Picturing All The Attention On Her

Petro - - illustrative purposes only, not the actual person

This 30-year-old guy is currently married to his wife, who is 28, and recently, she decided that she actually wanted to participate in a beauty pageant. So, ever since then, he’s been struggling to cope with some mixed emotions.

Apparently, this will be his wife’s very first beauty pageant, and, to be clear, he’s definitely proud of how confident and willing she is to step outside of her comfort zone and try something new.

“But there’s also a nagging feeling of jealousy creeping in, especially when it comes to bikini rounds,” he admitted.

His wife has never actually modeled in a bikini before. However, she assured him that she felt empowered and confident enough to “rock it” on stage.

Now, he knows that, logically, the pageant is supposed to be about celebrating all the important aspects of women– not just their bodies.

“Yet, that jealous part of me can’t help but picture all these eyes on her and the attention of other guys, and frankly, it makes me uncomfortable,” he said.

On the one hand, he realizes that his feelings are “silly.” After all, they’re married, and he knows that he can completely trust his wife.

Not to mention, the entire point of this pageant is to celebrate his wife’s beauty on both the inside and outside.

“But the jealous side of me can’t seem to shut down completely, especially with the bikini rounds coming up,” he vented.

Petro – – illustrative purposes only, not the actual person

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